Showing posts with label PF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PF. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Savings is not for TODAY,it is for TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!

Money flows through every ones hand but very few only holds the money firmly. Without some basic attitude, you cannot save money in this fast moving modern world. In economics these basic things are called as "Factors of Production". For every economic activity  the land manpower and money are the basic needs and they are the factors of production.

You may think loans can be availed easily but in reality  the lenders are verifying your repaying capacity and your bonafied.  Even for a home loan the banks are asking for the margin money from the borrower. In this case your savings only will give you a hand.

Even a skyscraper is built with small small bricks only. If you start to save money right now it will accrued  to a large sum tomorrow.
What ever may be your earnings weather  it is in thousands or in lakhs, your needs also more than that of your earnings,hence whatever be the income you have to save a small portion of your earnings.

In this fast changing world, your savings only will give you a hand in your future needs. hence you start savings from this New year itself.
Once you decided to save money there are various ways to save. You can invest in recurring deposits in banks and if you are a salaried person you may voluntarily invest more money in P.F or you  you may invest in systematic investments plans(SIP).
Last but not the least  Every building is built by small small bricks only.