Monday, October 10, 2011

Operational Efficiency Part.III

The combination of the two services is essential to ensure consistency in the development and daily management. Service levels associated with these two activities should be adapted to customer needs.
The provision of all services must be guaranteed by service agreements, reviewed regularly with key users. This will regulate the relationship with users and a corresponding reduction in the cost of the relationship.

Governance and management:
To ensure consistency of objectives from day to day developments, it is necessary to establish a unique control of the whole area of work operationally and in terms of its development (projects). The cells respond directly support the daily needs of internal customers will be directly connected to the same manager as the study of cell changes (service projects) and project management.
In addition to coordination facilitated the centralization of information on operational activity will also have indicators for monitoring the activity and complete advanced.
The establishment of centers contributing to the development of operational effectiveness of the organization

The division of operational efficiency can significantly increase the operational efficiency of any Bank by reducing the complexity of the process, facilitating the evolution of organizations, reducing the overall cost of the activity level of service or greater .
This structure also facilitates the response to the need for continuous development, ensuring consistency in its scope, and contributing directly to facilitate the work of projects and developments of its clients through its dedicated service and expertise.

For the pole reaches these goals, it will first identify the activities conducive to centralization of assets to add value and define the services 'operational' and 'projects' to enlist the broader scope of users. The identification, definition, implementation and establishing the trajectory of evolution of the cluster operational efficiency will require using an approach to take into account all the dimensions (budget, governance, expertise, information, human resources, IT ...).

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Operational Efficiency Part.II

To effectively perform its duties, the division of operational efficiency will:

* Relate to activities for which it is possible to concentrate really three types of assets: the expertise, resources and information,
* Be resolutely turned towards the customers either returning customers or projects of development,
* Be provided with a governance and management processes adapted.

The assets of the division of operational efficiency:
The division of operational efficiency based on concentration of the three assets that are the information, expertise and resources. Only the structures to achieve the concentration of these three assets are likely to constitute the poles of operational efficiency in its own right.
Vis-à-vis the information, the cluster will have a role as manager, owner or centralized (broker). It will therefore have a good command of a large set of information and / or complex, which will provide added value to share with its customers.
Expertise is a real knowledge of the scope of activity, the scope of use of services by clients, information and resources. The center will draw a capacity to formulate policies and methods. The expertise is not limited to a number of FTEs, but is the understanding of complex issues and ability to assist clients on these issues.
Means include other material, application or human (ie production capacity). The division of operational efficiency in the service of internal customers: With the exception of centers dedicated to specific clients of the company (call center, help desk ...), customers of a center of operational effectiveness of internal customers: other branches and departments, subsidiaries ... In particular, the implementation in place of a center of operational efficiency can send new customers such as small entities who could not afford these services before.
The division makes sense in the long term added value to its customers. To achieve this goal, the division must identify:

* The services 'operational' to make available the various entities on a recurring basis,
* Services projects or support services for the integration of services (eg setting up new tables referential or new releases for the cluster reference, definition and implementation of accounting controls of a project up or disseminating data for the accounting ... pole).

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Operational Efficiency Part.I

A center operational efficiency is an organizational structure in place to deliver a set of specialized services. These services are focused exclusively on a set of functions similar (same functional area) and common entire enterprise or multiple directions. The division of operational efficiency is also involved in coordinating and facilitating changes in the scope of activity which he is responsible.

The tasks incumbent upon it are of two kinds:

* Operational mission: delivering in-house or external services
o Shared: used by all clients (which requires a sufficient level of both standardization and adaptability to customer needs)
o Quality: ensuring a high level of service,
o Integrated: consistent with the possible developments and other services (same principles or standards, consistency of information ...).
* Strategic Missions: alignment with corporate goals
o In terms of scope of activity: operational manager for both the service and project management in the strategic field, defining the principles and standards of practice and evolution,
o In terms of process users of these services: the service of development projects for the integration of services,
o Financial issues: cost reduction in service level or above.

The establishment of centers of operational efficiency should facilitate the changes by developing flexibility in the organization. This distinguishes them from the pooling of services that do not necessarily generate earnings above the centralization of resources.
In terms of implementation, the creation of a center of operational effectiveness is not in the sharing of existing services but rather to develop an internal provider with a service offering clean.
Key features of the poles of operational efficiency

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Discovery of Gas Deposit in Sri Lanka

The group Cairn India announced Sunday the discovery of offshore natural gas field off the west coast of Sri Lanka, something that had never seen in this country energy supply mainly depends on imports.
Recall that in August, Cairn India, the Indian subsidiary of Scottish Cairn Energy, has initiated exploration in the Mannar Basin, seismic studies have previously indicated to the presence of gas and oil.

Cairn has also indicated that further drilling will be conducted to measure the commercial interest of the discovery, noting also that the deposit was drilled 4.3 kilometers deep. This is an event that could significantly change the economic situation of Sri Lanka.  While drilling undertaken in early 1970 by Russian companies had failed to demonstrate significant reserves. It should be noted also that Cairn has sold its Indian subsidiary in mining giant Vedanta Resources, a group listed in London, controlled by billionaire Anil Agarwal of Indian origin.

Energy demand in Sri Lanka has risen sharply with the economic takeoff that followed the end of armed conflict in May 2009. If the current pace of its evolution continues, demand will double by 2018. It is in this context that the Government has already started negotiations with Russia to provide fuel and nuclear waste to Moscow. The country is also in contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency and countries with reactors for training and technical expertise.

Moreover, according to Sri Lanka, solar and wind powers are not suitable for consumption pattern in Sri Lanka. Country is indeed the point of electricity consumption at night, during which energies of this type are not available, but cannot be easily stored.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Sugar Prices Boosted By The Financial Markets

 The sugar prices have benefited greatly from this week's wave of optimism that has reached the financial markets, this raw material is structurally more susceptible to fluctuations. The concerns weighing on investors again before the weekend, however, have reduced the rise. The latest figures from the Brazilian federation Unica, reports of a further slowdown in September of sugar production in Brazil, world's largest producer, have also allowed the prices to show an upward trend.

However, this weekend, the market's limited gains, concerns about the debt crisis in the European Union take precedence over other rights. Good crop prospects in India and Thailand are also specialists fear that the request is well below the offer. Analysts estimate that in fact the next harvest from these countries and Russia should rapidly offset by volume weakness in Brazilian production. Investors also expect a revival production of sugar beets in the European Union.

According to the International Sugar Organization (ISO), the excess production is forecast at 4.2 million tones during the period from October 2011 to September 2012.  Finally, on Friday at the lunch break, a tone of white sugar for December delivery was worth 657 pounds on the Liffe in London, against 623.30 pounds the previous week about the same time.  On the NYBOT-ICE U.S. per pound of raw sugar for March delivery traded at 25.19 cents against 24.30 cents a week earlier.